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Accurate Maintenance Calories Calculator Alhnisaaaila

accurate Maintenance Calories Calculator Alhnisaaaila
accurate Maintenance Calories Calculator Alhnisaaaila

Accurate Maintenance Calories Calculator Alhnisaaaila Just select your preferred units! 1. first of all, our maintenance calorie calculator will calculate lisa's basal metabolic rate (bmr) using the mifflin st jeor formula. the equation can be found below: bmr (kcal day) = 10 × weight (kg) 6.25 × height (cm) – 5 × age (years) – 161. Maintenance calorie calculation example. consider a 30 year old male weighing 75 kg and standing 180 cm tall. his bmr using the formula is: bmr = (10 × 75) (6.25 × 180) (5 × 30) 5 = 1730 kcal day. if he leads a moderately active lifestyle (pal = 1.55), his estimated maintenance calories would be:.

accurate Maintenance Calories Calculator Alhnisaaaila
accurate Maintenance Calories Calculator Alhnisaaaila

Accurate Maintenance Calories Calculator Alhnisaaaila Let’s say a 30 year old male who weighs 75 kg, is 175 cm tall, and leads a moderately active lifestyle (3 5 days of exercise per week) wants to calculate his maintenance calories. using the accurate maintenance calorie calculator, his maintenance calories would be estimated based on the provided data. faqs: what is the harris benedict equation?. For men: bmr = (10 × weight [kg]) (6.25 × height [cm]) – (5 × age [years]) 5. for women: bmr = (10 × weight [kg]) (6.25 × height [cm]) – (5 × age [years]) – 161. the katch mcardle equation is another commonly used formula that also takes into account your lean body mass. the katch mcardle equation tends to be a good formula. Our calorie maintenance calculator is quite easy to use and calculate calories to maintain weight quickly. let’s find out how! input: choose your gender and make a choice about the unit system (metric or imperial) now enter your age, height, and weight in their respective positions. choose your pal (physical activity level). 2. calculate your macronutrient ratio. your tdee is a valuable number to know, but it doesn't take your goals into account! bodybuilding 's macronutrient calculator will provide a customized calorie recommendation for weight loss, gain, or maintenance, along with the precise number of macronutrients of protein, fats, and carbohydrates making up those calories.

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